Musings, bitching, rants, and amusing notions on the daily life of a NYC crazy cat lady

Friday, January 06, 2006

Weird Dreams...

I had very odd dreams last night. I dreamt that I was back on the swim team in high school--even though it was present day--and we were preparing to go on a trip to Capri for a swim competition. I left my laundry at my mother's house, and dropped my cell phone, which then got run over by a truck and crushed to a million pieces. I was freaked, but realized that I needed a new phone anyway. I managed to get myself packed and to the airport where Brad left me at the airport gate, boarded the plane, and discovered that the inside of the plane didn't have regular seats, but big stuffed arm chairs with those old fashioned TVs that look like furniture directly in front of each one. I then dreamt that I was falling asleep while watching Ren and Stimpy... and I woke up shortly thereafter to get a drink of water realizing that it was only 1:45 a.m. and that I had only been asleep for a little over an hour and a half...Not sure what, if anything, it all means, but thought my warped subconscious was worth sharing.


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