Musings, bitching, rants, and amusing notions on the daily life of a NYC crazy cat lady

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

My new favorite thing about spring...

My neighborhood fruit-cart guy is back. All over Manhattan, the fruit-cart guys hibernate or migrate (I really have no idea) in the winter, taking their lucious fruit and veggie wares with them, forcing me to buy the produce I purchase on my way to work or on the way home in grocery stores. But no more! With the beautiful 60 and 70 degree days we've been having lately, my fruit-cart guy is back! He's back, he's back! That means I bought yummy rasberries for my morning smoothie and a green apple for my afternoon snack on my way in, and I'm thinking about picking up some mangos for salsa this evening. What is it about the fruit carts that make me want to buy more produce? It must be the allure of the freshness--you know he got up in the morning and picked up his fruit. He loaded up his cart this morning when he got to his destination (in this case, the corner of West 85th and Broadway). It hasn't been sitting there for god only knows how long. It's fresh and yummy and delicious. Hooray for the return of the fruit-cart guy!

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