Musings, bitching, rants, and amusing notions on the daily life of a NYC crazy cat lady

Monday, July 10, 2006

Em-dash Nazi

You know you are a grammar nerd when you are harmlessly perusing the new contestant bios on the Project Runway website and you come across a type-o that is so glaringly annoying (first paragraph, five lines down; check the HTML codes! It should be an actually em dash, not labeled "emdash" yeash!) that you take the time to e-mail the webmaster to let them know what a piss-poor job they did of copyediting the page, and then you check it the next day and it is STILL THERE!!! Not to mention that apparently they've never heard of serial commas and they use the annoyingly highbrow way of spelling theater; you design costumes for theater, major in theater; you work at the Majestic Theatre. One is not a proper noun, the other is not.

Here is the aformentioned webpage type-o:

Project Runway Bio for Jeffrey Sebelia

I'm sitting here sputtering because it annoys me so.

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