Musings, bitching, rants, and amusing notions on the daily life of a NYC crazy cat lady

Saturday, March 18, 2006

A Lucky St. Pat's Day...

A few weeks ago, Brad and I were having dinner at one of our favorite local pizza places, Two Boots, and we noticed that they were planning a St. Pat's day event with music and prizes and all that sort of thing. Since Two Boots is a fun sort of place, good cajun pizza, good drinks, and cozy atmosphere, we thought it would be the perfect place to grab a bite and spend a low-key St. Pat's.

When we got home tonight, we were both fairly exhausted. We volleyed the idea of going or not going back and forth a bit, and both decided that yeah, we should stop acting like old bastards and just go out for a while--and I really am glad we did.

Two Boots turned out to be a great idea. They were serving traditional Irish fare, in addition to their Cajun-themed pizzas, and they were running all sorts of contests. Brad and I scored a Jameson's t-shirt and key chain from answering an Irish trivia quiz, but the best part of the night was the Limerick contest...the goal was to write a limerick with the words "St. Pat's" in the first line. Between the bands sets, the hostess (a trip, let me tell you) would read all the entries and the winner would be based on the applause....and yeah, you guessed it--I won! Here is my winning limerick:

My husband wore a kilt on St. Pat's
And on a big float there he sat
He drank lots of whiskey
and yelled, "Come and kiss me"
and swung his green dick like a bat

:-) I won a big ole' bottle of Jameson's Irish Whiskey. Definitely a successful St. Patrick's day:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i knew that limerick was going to win as soon as you wrote it. now i just have to swing that little green dick of mine around, lol...

18/3/06 00:29


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