Musings, bitching, rants, and amusing notions on the daily life of a NYC crazy cat lady

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Easter Sunday

I spent Easter Sunday with my immediate family, and it was a really, really great day. My mom invited my mother-in-law and granny-in-law to Easter dinner at a great neighborhood Italian place (New Corners) in Brooklyn, and it was one of the nicest Easters I've had in years...

Me in my Easter outfit (please note the shoes that I instructed Bradley to make sure he got in the shot).

The hubby and I.

My brother, G, and I. (Yes, he's single and 26. And he has his own apartment, a good job, and is a funny bastard. He's also a guido, but has the biggest heart ever. So if you know of a nice girl, please let me know--I'm trying to get him hooked up with someone who isn't a skank.)

Brad, Mom, and G.

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