Musings, bitching, rants, and amusing notions on the daily life of a NYC crazy cat lady

Friday, July 14, 2006

It should read: You, Me, & Dupree...

I hate when people misuse punctuation. I especially hate it when it done for what promises to be a piss-poor movie and the title is on billboards all over the damned place. The movie title is missing a serial comma. You know, that nifty little punctuation mark that helps indicate a pause or separate items in lists, which is exactly what this title is. It's not "You (pause) Me & Dupree." It's "You (pause) Me (pause) & Dupree." As in all those mentioned are part of one group. If you leave the last comma out, it means that the first item is separate and distinct from the other two items in the list--which would be fine if the voice-overs in the commercials read it like that. But they don't! Why are they pausing if there is no comma?! Why?! Idiots.

How did they let this happen? I refuse to believe that someone didn't suggest/advise/notice that the comma after "me" was missing. Doesn't anyone have a grammar book out there in movieland? Didn't any of the people making this movie go to college? And didn't any of those people pay attention in their freshman English class? If they would have had me as a teacher they would have remembered. All crap like this does is help reinforce an already grammatically depreciated society's poor writing skills. Thank you Hollywood.

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