Musings, bitching, rants, and amusing notions on the daily life of a NYC crazy cat lady

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Artifical Sweeteners Will Kill You...

I'm trying to eat healthier lately but my downfall is sugar. Honey, actually. (Which I occasionally put in espresso--you may think I'm crazy, but it's damned good.) But for awhile there I bought into the Splenda craze. There. I said it. I am guilty. longer! You know why??? It's almost the same chemical compound as DDT--or pesticides! For more info on Splenda, check out the following link:

Splenda is TOXIC info...

All of those artificial sweeteners are so freaking bad for you, it isn't even funny. Lets see, do I feel like spooning a bunch of chemicals into my body today? I don't think so. They're evil. Just have the freaking sugar already. It's only 16 calories a teaspoon for crying out loud.

Or, if you are like me and looking for lower calorie sweetener alternatives (that won't kill you), check out Stevia. Stevia is lower in calories than sugar and honey, but still very healthy. Metal Eve and I took a cooking class last week (a vegan cooking class, mind you) and everything we made was with natural sugars, most especially Stevia. The stuff was delicious. For more information on healthy low-cal sweeteners, check out:

Healthy Alternative Sweeteners


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