Musings, bitching, rants, and amusing notions on the daily life of a NYC crazy cat lady

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Weight Watchers is working...

I know. You're saying to yourself--how can she possibly know if it's working if she's only been doing it for FOUR days? It's impossible. Well, actually, it isn't. I've already noticed that I'm making myself a lot more accountable for the foods that I'm eating, and when I eat them. Weight Watchers gives you a certain number of points a day, and your goal is to meet those points. You're also given 35 extra points per week to use whenever you want. Sounds easy right? It isn't. It really forces you to think about what you are going to eat the whole day. Since I have 20 points per day, I have to keep those points under control. I try to think backwards, since dinner is where I spend the largest amount of points per day. Usually somewhere between 8-10.
The great thing about WW is that it is really, really flexible. They assign points for practically everything--and give you this nifty sliding card thingy that figures out the points of ANYTHING as long as you have the info about the items dietary fiber, calories, and total fat. So if you want sushi, or pizza, or chicken and veggies with pasta, you can have it--in moderation. So for example, if you're craving a bagel, you just figure out what points you're going to "spend" on it: it's 3 points for a normal sized bagel, and another point for 2 tablespoons of fat free cream cheese. Four points for breakfast. If you want skim milk in your coffee, and you tend to drink 2 cups in the morning like I do, then that's another point (1 cup of skim milk is 1 point--when in doubt, I figure higher rather than lower). But if you eat that bagel with cream cheese, and you drink your coffee, that only leaves you with 15 points for the rest of the day---so if you're willing to have a green salad for lunch (no points as long as you stick to greens and veggies--things like cheese and olives have point values too!), with fat free dressing (no points), and 3 oz (give or take half an oz) of grilled chicken or tuna (3 points), you're totally fine. Add a whole wheat pita (1 point) and a flavored seltzer (0 points), and you've eaten a filling lunch for just 4 points. Eleven points left for the day--not too shabby. It's this kind of thinking that is keeping me in line--and I've already lost 3 pounds. Probably some of it was water weight, but still. I feel it, and I know it, and I feel so much better about myself already! Hooray for WW!


Blogger Christine said...

Dinner has been pretty easy actually, because I think about it before my day really kicks into gear. Like tonight--we're having grilled bbq chicken breasts (obviously, you could substitute tofu or a veg patty), a salad,and a baked potato w/ fat free sour cream and steamed broccoli. Last night we had Chinese food and had steamed veggie dumplings (you can have 4 and be satisfied) with corn egg drop soup. We had a lot of points left over yesterday. The thing I realized the most is that it is possible to be really flexible. We ate at Olive Garden (sort of out of necessity) and ate a TON of salad (dressing on the side) and I had one of their low-fat dishes--a chicken with grilled veggies in a lemon herb sauce. It was really good, and I was careful about portion size. It's workable if you really think about why you're eating, if you're really hungry and not just thirsty and want to put something in your mouth (no double entendre intended). You just need to be conscious of it all the time. Which will be annoying in time, I'm sure, but seriously--I tend to gain weight, so it's better to be conscious of it for me personally.

30/3/06 16:35

Blogger Christine said...

By the way, I'm waiting for my blood work to come back for the go ahead to stop eating chicken! Hooray!

30/3/06 16:36

Blogger Christine said...

I hear you lady! I've been incredibly stressed at work lately, and everytime I got stressed I'd eat chips! Evil, evil salt and vinegar potato chips (which have freaking lactose in them, so they're hard on my tummy as it is) that I absolutely love. It's been really bad. But since I started WW, I've been good.

We should ride bikes on the bikepath. Or rollerblade or something. It'll be fun :-)

31/3/06 10:07


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